Welcome to the AS ONE devotional guide. This guide represents a four-week journey that we will take as a community deeper into listening and discovering what God may have for us as we Give, TRUST, and CHANGE, AS ONE.
At the beginning of each week, a different Bible passage is provided as The Call to study, reflection and prayer throughout the week. The passage of focus is printed in-full for easy reference.
Each day, a brief Reflection explores a different aspect of the story as it relates to our AS ONE journey. Even though the Scripture passage is only printed at the beginning of the week, you might find it helpful to re-read the story each day, before reading the Reflection.
The Real Question follows every Reflection and provides a chance to consider how and where God is working in us and how we might join Him in His work. Examining our hearts with these questions gives us a way to listen for the voice of God.
Family Talk follows next. Here, kid-friendly discussion ideas are provided for you to use with your family throughout the day, whenever the time arises. At a meal, in the car or before bed can be great times to use this tool to go deeper with God and each other as a family.
ONE in Prayer ends each daily reading. As our community uses this devotional guide, we’ll be reading, reflecting and praying as one, every day. As we open ourselves to His presence, the Holy Spirit will draw us together as we grow in Christ.
Every few days, you’ll see a story highlighted as LIFE: AS ONE. These are real stories from real people in our community. By sharing their stories, we hope you’ll consider what story God is telling in your life.
Allow about 15 minutes each day for this experience. If you miss a day of the devotional here or there, that is okay. Just pick it back up and join in on the appropriate day. The important thing is to be consistent in our desire to hear and follow God, not in just checking off a reading.
Let’s get started, and may Jesus continue to pray His prayer for oneness in us!