In order to initiate a conversation about what it looks like to GIVE, it can be helpful to look at others who have given. This activity has been designed to encourage conversation about sacrificial giving in both this week's scripture and a more modern classic, O. Henry's The Gift of the Magi.
To begin, read "The Gift of the Magi" by O. Henry (found online at THIS LINK) or you may wish to use the abridged version which you can download at the end of this post.
Begin a discussion as a family about what the husband and wife gave, and why. Be sure to emphasize the fact that they both gave their most prized possession.
Now share the scripture of the week from the prayer guide as a family. (Mark 14:3-9). Discuss as a family what the woman gave to Jesus. She gave her most prized possession.
Make a copy of the "PRIZED POSSESSIONS" worksheet for each participant (you will find at the bottom of the post). Discuss what everyone considers his or her most prized possession.
Have everyone create a collage of their PRIZED POSSESSIONS either by cutting out pictures from a magazine, taking digital pictures of the prized possessions, drawing them, etc. The older the participants, the more creative the possibilities. (Please save your completed worksheets to share on the As One board at Lakeland. Bring them to Katie Schultz on Sunday for the display.)
As everyone works on their sheet, talk about how difficult it would be to give away your most prized possession. Recall the stories you read and what it must have meant to give up these items.
Click on the images below to enlarge and print for use in this activity.
nice stuff