Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Family Activity - Clown of God

This week's scripture (Luke 24:13-34) explores the transformation that happened in the lives of two disciples along the path to Emmaus when they encountered Christ. The story of "The Clown of God" also explores the transformation of the main character over time culminating in his encounter with Christ on Christmas.

Begin the activity by reading "The Clown of God" as a family. There are numeous copies of this book available at Mid-Continent Libraries as well as online through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Borders. Lakeland also has several copies available for sale for $8.

After you have completed the story, look over the attached "Path of Life" worksheet that charts Giovanni's life. Discuss how God had been walking with Giovanni all along his path, even before he knew who God really was. A sample dialogue may go as follows:

- "When Giovanni was a little boy and had to beg for his food, how do you think God walked with him and blessed him?" [He provided him with the talent of juggling, and brought people into his life to help him to have food]

- "What did the brothers teach Giovanni when they met? How did God work through the brother to speak to Giovanni?"

-"How was Giovanni changed as he grew older and was no longer able to juggle? Where did he turn when he had no where else to go?"

Once you have talked through Giovanni's life, bring out a blank "Path of Life" worksheet for everyone and begin to discuss the events in everyone's life to this point. Start to examine where God has been walking alongside each person, even when they may not have recognized Him. Talk about the changes that have taken place along the path, and how God has been a part of all of it. Begin to explore where everyone's path may yet be leading, and how God is always walking beside us as we CHANGE.

Please bring your completed "Path of Life" worksheet to Katie Schultz on Sunday, or scan and email your completed sheets to to share on our As One wall at Lakeland.

*** Click on the worksheets below to enlarge and save for printing.***

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